Education Subteam

Aim and Plan

The goal of the education sub-team is to teach short-courses, develop tutorials and practical guidelines, and collect real case studies.

To reach these goals, the education sub-team plans different kinds of activities for 2024:

  1. Monthly meeting (first Monday of the month).
  2. Make short-course material that will mainly be used to teach short-courses from November 2024 onwards.
  3. A workshop (e.g., of 90min) on intro to covariate adjustment (November 2024).
  4. 2-3 online blog posts on covariate adjustment. These blog posts will also be disseminated through LinkedIn.
  5. Collect possible case studies which can be used for tutorials.


Co-leaders: Kelly Van Lancker (Ghent University) and Dominic Magirr (Novartis)

Members: Ting Ye, Daniel Rubin, Yanyao Yi, Yu Du, Dong Xi, Hongfei Li, Devan Mehrotra, Andreas Brandt, Olga Kuznetsova, Victoria Johnson, Alex Sverdlov, Kayla Irish